SaaS Product Metrics

Benchmark Report - 2024

Sign up now to get the report on 6th of June

Exclusive first-party data from 547 SaaS companies with expert commentary

Gain expert insights from
top product voices on Linkedin

Be the first to access the latest insights into SaaS product performance!

Marty Cagan
Partner at Silicon Valley Product Group
Ashley Cheng
Growth and Product Marketing
Dan Olsen
Product Management Trainer, Author, and Speaker
Nimrod Priell
CEO at Cord
Yoel Eilat
PLG, Growth & Product | Advisor | Mentor
Ant Murphy
Product Coach & Founder of Product Pathways 
Yakov Carno
Product-led Growth Advisor & Founder of Valubyl
These industry leaders will share their views on the metrics and what they mean for your business. Register Now!

Why This Year Is Special

In previous years, we gathered onboarding trends from over 100 SaaS companies. However, this year marks a significant milestone as we delve deeper into product performance metrics beyond onboarding.

What You Can Expect

Get access to first-party data of product metrics benchmarks empowering you to elevate your product strategies and drive growth like never before

Average Activation Rate

Onboarding Checklist Completion Rate

Time to Value (Activation)

Core Feature Adoption Rate

Month 1 Retention Rate

Average NPS

Don’t Miss Out!

Register now to be the first to receive the SaaS Product Metrics - 2024 Benchmark Report as soon as it's released on 6th of June.​

Stay ahead by understanding the benchmarks that will drive SaaS success in 2024.

Don’t Miss Out!

Register now to be the first to receive the SaaS Product Metrics - 2024 Benchmark Report as soon as it's released on 3rd of June.

Stay ahead by understanding the benchmarks that will drive SaaS success in 2024.